This contains everything you need to know to be a Pikatea affiliate, including resources, recommendations, and some fun legal stuff. If you're not yet part of the Pikatea Affiliate Program, you can apply here.

Last Modified: February 13th, 2022



1. Commission Rates. Commission are defined on a case by case basis but generally range from 2% to 5% total sale value. Commissions may be calculated monthly or annually.

2. Limitations

  1. For purchase commissions, you will receive commission for the first purchase of any Pikatea Macropad made by a new customer who is not in an active sales process with us at the time of the affiliate link click.
  2. Affiliate links may rely on cookies to track referrals. Therefore if cookies get cleared, we may not be able to track these events
  3. Only affiliate links can be used to track referrals. Incorrect use of affiliate links will cause inability to track referrals.
  4. Fraudulent or stolen attribution is a non payable event. If we suspect fraud (for example, if we see that signups are all from the same city or IP address) we may require you to prove that the referrals are valid.

Promoting Pikatea

1. Pikatea Branding


Capitalize the "P" in Pikatea

Pronounce our name like "Pick a tea"

Pay special attention to and use full product names. The "Pikatea Macropad GB3" is not the same as the "GB3" or "Pikatea GB3". If product names are longer than you like, please email us about possible exceptions.

Do Not:

Use false or misleading statements.

2. Buying Adds

You will not purchase ads that direct to your site(s) or through an affiliate link that could be considered as competing with Pikatea's own advertising, including, but not limited to, our branded keywords. If running ads, you need to direct the ad to your own website (and not to or a standalone landing page).

